Machinedeath on Null
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[//Inheritors counter-assault to support Argent Heralds troop deployments+] [//lars.j_d/@lars.j.dahl+] |
The Null Campaign saw the Legios Punica and Validus engaging in a war of mutual near-annihilation with the collected armour of the Partisans. It was as a direct result of this titanic battle that the remaining meaningful contributions made by such weaponry was limited to the closing stages and aftermath of the War of the False Primarch.
The 'Machinedeath', as the conflict became popularly known, was a huge turning point in the overall war. Such was the colossal loss of men and materiel during the eerily-quiet conflict that its lingering effects coloured all the campaigns of the War thereafter. It bred numerous bitter rivalries and grudges that only fed the fervour with which each side fought.
Famed amongst Partisan space as the battle that saw the revelation of the Silver Stars in Legion strength, it was also recorded as the first major conflict in which the 'Primarch' took to the field and engaged the enemy directly. Victory was claimed by both sides, but given the questionable and pyrrhic nature of such 'victory', the actions of the False Primarch here came to confirm both the worst fears of the Orthodoxy, and the greatest hopes of the Partisan cause.
'There was once a time of awakening and reason. Now we wander in the ruins of our once great civilization. Forgotten Heroes of a Forgotten Age.'
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[//Null {tithegrade= Solutio Particular}+] |
Close to the expanse of Wilderness Space between Morqub and Heliopolis, the Null system was thinly populated. With no natural atmosphere, abortive colonisation efforts had seemingly been made by some unknown agent at some distant point in the past, leaving a skein of dull, dead air, unbreathable by unmodified humans. It held just two settlements of any size – the modern port hub of Enderghast, and Riamsport, formerly of some regional influence, but now in terminal decline. Both sat in a deep natural depression, into which the little air of the planet pooled. More than 98 per cent of the planet's small population lived and worked in these centres, with the remainder spread cobweb-thin, operating as listening post attendants, prospectors or far-flung miners.
The earlier conflict across the Delphurnean League had seen the bulk of the Pentarchy of Blood forced into retreat to Sector Heliopolis, leaving the personnel in the region loyal to the High Lords with little Astartes support. Lacking any meaningful number of specialist troops or equipment able to operate in such locales (the Geno-Infantry of Roag Nort being a notable exception), the Orthodox simply lacked the ability to engage on Null.
Conversely, it was ideal for the Silver Stars and their allies. With sufficient atmosphere to avoid hard-radiation damage to machinery and power armour, Null offered the Partisans a musterpoint close to Heliopolis, and naturally resistant to the nearby Orthodox forces.
To the 'Primarch', this was an opportunity to gather those loyal to him and prepare a colossal strike against Heliopolis. It was through the efforts of Master Enoch and the further sacrifice of both the Pentarchy of Blood and their supporting Titan Legions that such a grand campaign was strangled in its infancy; and the Primarch was instead forced to adopt the more limited and infantry-focussed (though ultimately no less destructive) Operation Gauntlet for his assault on Heliopolis.
Alas, the Ordo Redactus' Edict of Obliteration was thorough in its annihilation of this conflict, so much remains unclear, including anything approaching precise dating of the events. Much has to be pieced together from reclaimed material or assumptions, which has inevitably introduced a number of seeming contradictions in the reportage.
It is, at least, a near-certainty that the Null Campaign was preceded by the so-called War of Broken Bones, which saw both the Star Wardens and Wormwood Sons suffer heavy casualties at the hands of the Red Talons and Flesh Eaters over the Forge World of Neo Jove – but in the course of the conflict, disabling a number of Titan War Engines.
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[//The heavy casualties suffered by the Wormwood Sons on Neo Jove saw them undertaking a protracted recruitment drive during the events of the Machinedeath.+] [//mikl h-w/@duckcalledsue+] |
Why the Partisans struck Neo Jove at this point is unclear. Perhaps the Star Wardens simply wanted to demonstrate their zeal to the figure they saw as a returned father; or perhaps it was a strike of opportunity, with the Star Wardens having gained some form of time-critical intelligence.
It is possible that the attack was intended as a demonstration of the Partisans' – and hence Volnoscere's –capabilities. Rumours of the Primarch had by now spread all through both Morqub and Heliopolis, but even the longer the Orthodoxy could pin Volnoscere and his supporters in Morqub, the greater the damage to his reputation – after all, what sort of Primarch would be stymied by mere mortals? Hesitation only weakened Volnoscere's claims to rulership, and strengthened that of the High Lords.
Striking at Neo Jove – a world fortified by the Orthodox Mechanicus and Red Talons alike, and deep in Heliopolis – thus demonstrated the 'Primarch's' reach. More than this, it served the critical role of hobbling Master Enoch's ace-in-the-hole: his Titan Legions. In turn, this would flip the conflict on its head and put the Partisans firmly on the front foot.
The conflict would be recorded by the Anti-Ecclesiarch Morgetheon and his followers as a colossal step forward for the Partisan cause; for while the results were cataclysmic for both sides, the tide of public opinion was heavily swayed towards the man who laid low Titans...
Prior to this point in the War, the various Astartes forces had been dispersed across too broad a front to make deployment of Titans meaningful – their sole effective mass landing seems to have been during Warzone Ishim. While Validus and Punica deployed maniples in a number of conflicts, the lack of Engine-class opponents meant that the more nimble Astartes simply withdrew from conflict. While effective in detail, their use was heavy-handed, and likely resulted in in increase in support for the False Primarch.
The Null system lay close to the border of Heliopolis. Such was the increase in fleet traffic in such a short time, it became obvious that something was afoot – something that Enoch and the Pentarchy could not resist. In hindsight, it seems likely that the Orthodox High Command had substantial intelligence on even the detail of the muster. While no direct evidence exists for this, the Vigilants were highly active across the region, and doubtless had double-agents within the gathering Partisans.
[//Punica Engines stalk the streets of Enderghast, beneath the statio-dome, supported by Charnel Guard recon units. +] [//toby_h+] |
The stage was set. Knowing that the Titans harboured on Neo Jove would eventually be used to strike at some Partisan gathering, it became unavoidable that the Titans would need to be confronted. Thus the formidable minds of Volnosere and his Kapihe turned to the strategies necessary to choose the field and manner of that conflict – following the strike on Neo Jove to delay and provoke their deployment, the muster on Null was announced.
[//Princip. belligerents={Orthodox alliance}//] +Legio Punica+ +Legio Validus+
[//Addit. belligerents={Pentarchy}//] +Red Talons+ +Carcharodons+ +Charnel Guard+ +Flesh Eaters+ +Death Eagles (II)+
[//Princip. belligerents={Partisan}//] +Silver Stars+ +Inheritors+ +Riven Lords+ +Argent Heralds+ +Firebreak+ +Red Fish+ +Marines Saturnine+
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[//Frater Maui; Brother Maui – honoured for his actions on Null+] [//andre_j_f/@andre.jazze+] |
Whatever the chronology, the bulk of the fighting on Null was broken into two phases – a planetstrike by the mortal forces of Legio Validus and Punica, followed by the deployment of the Titans themselves, accompanied by substantial Astartes armour provided by the Pentarchy of Blood.
The Partisan forces – made up of the bulk of the above-listed Chapters – had assembled in the open plains between the principal spaceports within Enderghast and Riamsport, when reports began to filter through of an invasion force entering the Null system.
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[//Silver Stars sweep the low streets in the aftermath of the Null conflict+] [//christoph t farnessbeta+] |
After a short delay, the Partisan fleet – composed mainly of second-line fleet tenders and transports, and apparently under the command of Vox Volnoscere – began to fall back as the colossal scale of the Extinction Fleet became apparent. Assuming the Partisan fleet was falling back to friendly space in the Delphurnean League, the Orthodox battlegroup made no attempt to intercept them at the Mandeville point, instead moving at full pace to the planet itself. The Partisans planetside, meanwhile, moved to form strongpoints.
Three days passed, during which intercepted vox-traffic made it apparent that the False Primarch himself was planetside. Scrambled requests for Exteminatus orders on Null were made by Dwimmerlock of the Death Eagles, but were fatefully delayed – events partially expounded upon elsewhere in this archive, but usually attributed to counter-intelligence work on the part of the Firebreak and Marines Mendicant.
As a result, as the third day dawned, the Orthodox fleet had achieved orbital supremacy, and the first shots were exchanged between the planetary defence lasers (augmented and crewed by the dozens of Techmarines present on the surface) and the orbiting fleet.
Fleetmaster B'raqu, under the auspices of Inquisitor Clouseau, ordered the mass deployment of the Skitarii Legions under his command. Scores of craft were blasted from the sky as they descended, but the vast bulk were spared by the defence lasers, occupied as they were by far more pressing threat of the battleships and twin Arks Mechanicus of the Titan Legions.
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[//Skitarii of the Amber Kings. Thousands of such Shieldguard were lost in attempting to establish a beachhead on Null in the face of Partisan Resistance+] [//juno/@warppainter+] *** |
The Skitarii deployed into the teeth of the Silver Stars pseudolegion, along with nearly five thousand ferocious Astartes of various Partisan Chapters. Given the lack of preparation time and the nature of the defences they fought, the Skitarii acquitted themselves well. The nature of that opposition must, of course, be taken into account. Of the two dozen Demi-legions that managed to reach the surface, none emerged with fewer than seventy per cent casualties, a horrifying statistic that partially obscures the fact that of those twenty-four, more than half were entirely wiped out.
The early part of the battle clearly favoured the defenders. Some analysis suggests that the Muster took place on Null because it had long been used as a regional resupply point for the Imperial Navy. Well-stocked and fortified, its defences had been substantially augmented by the Astartes. This made the landing utterly murderous – but nevertheless the sheer scale of the assault allowed the Orthodoxy to capture a pair of desolate regions – one to the north of Enderghast, the other some few hours from Riamsport.
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[//Principal populated region of Null. Planetstrike drop-phase. Only major deployments shown: Caputmori indicating Partisan forces; Aquila Orthodox forces..+] |
Battle of Enderghast
[//Princip. belligerents={Orthodox alliance}//] +Legio Punica+
[//Addit. belligerents={Pentarchy}//] +Charnel Guard+ +Flesh Eaters+ +Death Eagles (I)+
[//Princip. belligerents={Partisan}//] +Silver Stars+ +Riven Lords+ +Firebreak+ +Marines Saturnine+
[+Silver Stars squads deployed in Enderghast+] [/edward_r/@death_of_a_rubricist+] |
As the first Silver Stars' superheavies were bracketed and destroyed by heavy Titan armament, their Rhinos pushed past and got within their shields. As allied Astartes and Techguard moved to counter, the Titans found themselves unable to manouevre as the second wave of Engine-killer vehicles advanced, and long-range artillery homed in on their position.
Nor was this a simple battle of attrition for the Silver Stars, for as each enemy Engine was felled, so too did Punica's ability to retaliate. Thus the repeated waves built and threatened to overwhelm the Legio.
With fourteen Engines destroyed for tactical trades adjudged insufficient, the Lord-Legate fatefully opted to drive on aggressively; using the indomitable Praelectus Patrem to push eastwards towards the city. This seemed a confusing decision, as the urban region would only favour the lighter Partisan forces – and furthermore left their Death Eagles and Flesh Eater allies to their fate...
[//Warmaster-class Praelectus Patrem+] [//toby_h+] |
While the move did earn the Legio the ire of their Pentarchy Allies, it was successful in getting the War Engines off the main road and into ground which hampered tracked vehicles. Seemingly aware of this, Riverhead ordered his reserves – a combined Company of Firebreak and Marines Saturnine – to pull back to preserve the artillery.
As Punica drove a fateful wedge into the city, with nearly half its Engines now combat incapable, they achieved the seeming impossible – turning back the tide of Silver Stars. For all their advantages, the Silver Stars armoured strength was now unable to prevent the fall of Enderghast.
Alas for the Pentarchy, however, the resourcefulness of the Stars' allies was undaunted – and the brevet-Master Johus of the Firebreak orchestrated a masterstroke. Allowing Punica to make their way towards the colossal resupply buildings of Enderghast Principal, Johus grimly ordered his sheltering forces to retreat. Having spent days fortifying and establishing the skyscrapers, the Astartes of four separate provenances reluctantly moved out.
'I confess I had little faith then in the Firebreak – but Johus' ruthlessness and resourcefulness was precisely what we needed. Had I known his intent, I imagine we would have abandoned our posts rather more swiftly.'
[//Brother Igrimm of the Riven Lords+]
Punica advanced, scanty resistance fire slackening off, warily scanning the streets for hull-down Fellblades and similar primary-level threats. They should, perhaps, have watched the skies, for it was at this point that Johus' artillery began to pound the Riamspire – the space elevator that was Punica's principal target.
Unable to retreat owing to the column of Titans behind it, the Praelectus Patrem grimly opted for full stride forward, crushing allied and enemy infantry alike beneath its colossal feet. The lower portions of the Riamspire collapsed catastrophically, smashing the Warlord Ardent Defen from its feet. Worse than the collapse of the relatively thin and fragile tower, however, was the resulting eruption of the grav-plate foundations that kept the elevator operational. More than a third of the city – including all of the Silver Stars' artillery detachment in the region – were lost; but in return, Punica was all but wiped-out.
The eventual effects of such a catastrophe on the world were impossible to predict.
First Battle of Riamsport
[//Princip. belligerents={Orthodox alliance}//] +Legio Validus+
[//Addit. belligerents={Pentarchy}//] +Red Talons+ +Carcharodons+ +Death Eagles (I)+
[//Princip. belligerents={Partisan}//] +Inheritors+ +Red Fish+ +Argent Heralds+
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[+A hull-down Fellglaive super-heavy tank forms an anchorpoint to defences outside Riamsport+] [//james_t/@tangential_contrivances+] |
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[+Grandmaster Micare of the Legio Validus+] [//juno/@warppainter+] |
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[//The Machinedeath spared not the 'armoured immortals' of the Astartes, with more than seventeen Dreadnoughts supposedly lost.+] [//dennis_k/@the_iron_within+] |
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[//Inheritors launch their counter-offensive on Legio Validus – Solarion is pictured on the right of the image, preceded by his veteran warriors and trusted Armour. +] [//lars_j_d/@lars.j.dahl+] |
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[//lars_j_d/@lars.j.dahl+] |
Second Battle of Riamsport
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[//The False Primarch himself – pictured in the aftermath of the conflict+] [//edward_r/@death_of_a_Rubricist+] |
[//Princip. belligerents={Orthodox alliance}//] +Legio Punica+ +Legio Validus+
[//Addit. belligerents={Pentarchy}//] +Flesh Eaters+ +Death Eagles (I)+ +Death Eagles (II)+
[//Princip. belligerents={Partisan}//] +Silver Stars+ +Riven Lords+ +Argent Heralds+ +Firebreak+ +Red Fish+
[//Battlegroup Veloch – consisting elements of of Huiana II and III; forming a combined superheavy and support group, pictured during the initial muster.+] [//robert_h/@inquisitor_pariah+] |
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[//Silver Stars liaise with Inheritors as they move in-theatre; putting them in direct contact with Volnsocere's unfolding plan.+] [//lars_j_d/@lars.j.dahl+] |
'Monstrance, that maul of human authority and wellspring of Lethe was brought down upon the Engine, and carved it thus in two[...]'
[//Archaic Breacher squads clash with Charnel Guard and their allies+] [//toby_h+] |
'If such a battle can be called a victory, it was principally a victory for the enemies of mankind. It is a demonstration that Will – that of the Last True Son – is steel-clad; for he shirks not from personal danger in seeking to grant humanity its revelation. Cast off the chains of the High Lords, and join us – join the Partisan cause!'