Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy.
[//John Trapp+]
On Ancient Terra, the High Lords convene. And yet convention does not indicate a commonality of purpose. Divided are the High Lords on the matter of the False Primarch – and, of course, it is not the only concern that weighs upon the pillars of this groaning empire.
[//Umbwald Oreangelo, Chancellor of the Estate Imperium+] [//matthew_n/@hobbyguy3+] |
The wylling are few; the capable fewer still.
Thus as Rivers to the Oceanne run, soe too does Duty flow to the Busie.
In truth it isse said that 'If one wants work compleated, give it to the busy manne.'
[//Tenets of the Imperial Chancellery, M35+]
'Live for the House. Die for the House.'
[//Motto, House Methuselahn, current favourite of the Paternova+]
[//Nero-Gollos, the Fabricator-General+] [//juno_a/@warppainter+] |
While it is unlikely in the extreme that these rarified individuals would move openly and directly against another, amidst the vaults of the Birthworld and Seat of the Throne, agencies are in action...
[//common Imperial reckoning; Second Age+]
- Umbwald Oreangelo, Chancellor of the Estate Imperium
- Fabricator-General Nero-Gollos
- Ecclesiarch Benedin II
- [DATASPOOL=aberrant]
- [DATASPOOL=aberrant]
- Inquisitor Lord Mashev Leong-Casser, Inquisitorial Representative
- The Grand Provost Marshal, Josef Strakh
- Vamma Andreia Pushkin – Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica
- [DATASPOOL=aberrant]
- The Suzerain Belligerent
- Casca Methuselan – Paternoval Envoy, Seer of Gateways
- Heir of Isaacsen (dec.)
- Braxon Leionidon Mercutial, Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes