Dramatis Personae: Veles Krone

[//Veles Krone+]

[//Allegiance: Wormwood Sons/Partisan+]


The ash sifts through his pristine gauntlets, his armour’s electrostatic field preventing it from marring its surface. 

He tastes it, the bitter acridity, the crackle of static heat, replaced with a sterile absence as his inbuilt NMR and ‘stope-sniffers kick in. The results spool in front of his vision, traces of Carbon-14, Tritium, a vanishing glimpse of Cobalt-60 and there – a brief ghost barely discernible from its noisier, more stable cousins – Hydrogen-7. An auspicious omen. 

He activates his internal vox with a click.

'Brothers, Atom has cloaked the firmament in his funereal shroud, preventing the Solar Demiurge’s interference.' 

He makes the sign of the blessed hydrogen atom before continuing.

'Hence, a most blessed isotope frolics amongst us, birthed upon bitter winds. We must strike now, before His mercurial winds turn upon us.'

Standing, he lets the remaining ash cascade off his gauntlets, and begins to move.



[//Maester of the Arsenal Veles Krone+]

Wielder of Atom’s Sword, High-Wurm of the Lodge of the Black Wurm and keeper of the Wormwood Vault. Nominally a techmarine, the Maester of the Arsenal sits on the inner council of the Sons, alongside the Master of the Forge.

There are no records of Veles Krone receiving training on Mars, instead it is recorded that he studied amongst the eccentric and esoteric Magi of Kadath prior to returning to take up his vigil amongst the atomic horrors of the Wormwood Vault.

Veles is recorded MIA, despite his capture by Inquisitor [REDACTED] towards the end of the War.